Ásmundur Tryggvason appointed CEO of Styrkás
Ásmundur Tryggvason has been appointed CEO of Styrkás, a new service company that today consists of Skeljungur and Klettur. Ásmundur will lead the group and, in collaboration with the management of the companies, work on the internal and external growth of Styrkás by expanding and strengthening services to the business world in the fields of energy and chemical products, tools and equipment, environment, industry and asset management.
Earlier this year, the venture fund Horn IV slhf., a venture fund managed by Landsbréf hf., and SKEL fjárfestingafélag hf. with a contract where Horn provides Styrkás with new capital worth 3.5 billion ISK. The goal of the share capital increase is to realize the shareholders' vision of a strong group that has the strength to service different areas of the Icelandic economy with the infrastructure and business road investment that lies ahead.
The goal of the shareholders is to list all shares in the company on the regulated market in the Iceland Stock Exchange by the end of 2027, and Ásmundur will lead that work.
Ásmundur was previously the managing director of Íslandsbanki's corporate and investor division for almost five years, and before that he was the bank's director of corporate consulting for seven years. He has also sat on the boards of various companies, such as Símans, Lýsningar, VÍS eignhaldsfélag and Kögun.