100% shares
Gross profit 2023
million ISK
million ISK
Enterprice Value (EV)
million ISK
Equity value
million ISK
Orkan IS ehf. was founded on December 1, 2021. The activity is mainly in the field of services to individuals, such as the operation of Orkan's gas stations, Löður's car wash stations and hydrogen stations. The company also owns the electricity dealer Straumlind.
The purpose of the company is to service vehicles in a simple way, good access (e. network effect) and with smart service technology. Whether the vehicle needs energy, cleaning or other common services, the company will offer a service that takes care of its needs. Orkan puts a lot of effort into smart services and offers, among Orkan´s payment card in wallet, gas vending machine, window fluid vending machine and is now opening fast charging all over the country.
Orkan intends to be a participant in the energy transition that is ahead.